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Thursday, 16 August 2018

What Is the Difference Between MICR Toner and Regular Toner?

Have you ever wondered how every single check you receive has perfectly bold, black font printed across the bottom? Those of you who deal directly with printing checks may be the only ones who have even questioned this feature. Many banks throughout the world use electronic scanning that detects the toner to gather needed information promptly, using a system referred to as MICR (magnetic ink character recognition). In order for the information to be obtained by technology it is important that the MICR toner is used for checks or vouchers because it contains iron oxide, unlike regular toner. This being said, it is evidently important to use the right toner for the right project.

In the banking industry, especially as it's growing technologically, check writers must keep up with the game. A regular toner, regardless of whether it's OEM or used, will not be able to be read by a MICR reader. It may appear to be as bold and dark in color, but it does not contain the necessary components in order to be magnetized by the reader. This means that by not purchasing the proper toner you better hope that your bank can flawlessly process items by hand to avoid potential inconveniences and possible errors. If not, your lack of knowledge may end up costing you a pretty penny, or a longer processing time, if your checks get returned as unrecognizable.

Although standard toners have a high quality standard to pass, MICR alternatives are often subject to an additional scan for errors. This does not necessarily mean that one is better quality than the other. In fact, they are often said to have an unrecognizable difference in appearance. The reason manufacturers spend the extra time running a second test for problems, usually by printing one sample, is to ensure that your official documents will be flawless every time. By testing on the appropriate reader, similar to your bank's device, you can be 100% confident that you have not received a defected item.

Regular and MICR options are both available for a variety of manufacturers and models. They are also easily accessible in both new and used versions. Standard products may end up costing you less money, but if the correct option for you isn't chosen you can end up paying more in the end. Know your products and your goals before you make purchases that can put you behind. What may cost you more money in the beginning can end up saving you a lot of time and money in the end.

MICR Toner

Discount Toner Cartridges

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